30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence: 01803 653 761
30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence Line: 01803 653 761
"Media is a fascinating subject. I have always loved films and now feel that I can analyse new movies with a very much more informed perspective" TGGS Student
In a rapidly changing, technology-driven world, media is at the heart of everything we do. Media Studies A Level explores society and the way it is reflected through print, moving image and e media. The skills taught in the subject provide students with the tools for engaging with the modern, technological world through the in-depth study of media products in relation to the theoretical framework: media language; media representation; media industries and media audiences. Throughout the course, students are required to study media products from a wide variety of media forms, including: newspapers, advertising, radio, film and online/participatory media.
For more information please click to download the Curriculum Document.
We'd really love to meet you...call 01803 653756 to arrange a tour or email us: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
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