30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence: 01803 653 761
30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence Line: 01803 653 761
“Despite the great amount of work to cover, French lessons are extremely engaging and allow us to address not only the language but also to immerse ourselves in topics which cover culture and trends.” TGGS Student
Normally there are two or three teachers at AS Level who split the course into its natural topic areas. In addition, there are opportunities for small group-work to improve your speaking skills.
All four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are progressed simultaneously through a wide use of target language in class and a broad variety of activities and resources. There is an online text book that you will use but this is heavily supplemented with ‘real’ resources from the internet, television etc.
We offer a wide support package. This includes lunchtime and after-school support sessions and the facility to e-mail work for support.
For more information please click to download the Curriculum Document.
Current Teaching Staff:
We'd really love to meet you...call 01803 653756 to arrange a tour or email us: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
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