30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence: 01803 653 761
30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence Line: 01803 653 761
“My life appears to be enriched by biology in many ways, and I can understand in a far deeper sense the way in which the world works” TGGS student
Why does your nose stay red in the cold? How can a goat produce spider silk in its milk? Why do flesh-feeding plants exist? You may well have your own list of questions regarding the natural world around you. To answer these questions and satisfy your curiosity, the first step is to choose to study A Level Biology.
Students’ practical skills are continually developed through regular experimental work, they support classwork by practising examination-style questions from the outset, and they are encouraged to explore areas of biology beyond the curriculum.
Support for students begins early, and lunchtime help and one-to-one mentoring for individuals needing it are available after the first few weeks.
We'd really love to meet you...call 01803 653756 to arrange a tour or email us: sixthformadmin@tggsacademy.org
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