30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 653756

Sixth Form Absence: 01803 653 761

30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence Line: 01803 653 761

Congratulations to all our Year 11 and Year 13 students!

We would like to congratulate all of you on your results this summer. A levels were out yesterday - GCSEs to come tomorrow. Through no fault of your own, you had to take assessments during the most difficult two years of schooling in living memory. We applaud you for your efforts and resilience under these trying conditions and we congratulate you on your fantastic results - they are thoroughly deserved. We wish you well in all your future endeavours wherever that may be. It's onwards and upwards from here!

Good luck from Dr Smith and the staff at TGGS

Run to Kenya!!

We are excited to be supporting Operation Imprezza's "Run to Kenya" initiative with our IMPREZZA SUPER MARATHON. We'll be attempting to cover the 6,500 mile distance between TGGS and Busia, Kenya, during the month of May, in a massive co-operative effort to raise funds for a replacement vehicle for Imprezza Academy. The school vehicle is literally their life line - for everything from getting food to being used as an ambulance. A few months ago three students were critically ill and nearly died as the Headteacher waited over 4 hours for a taxi to turn up.

This vehicle will LITERALLY SAVE LIVES!

You can find out all about Operation Imprezza and Imprezza School, who we've had the priveledge of helping to support for 16 years, at

Minister for Safeguarding meets with TGGS Sixth Form

As part of our PSHE programme at TGGS, Sixth Form students receive tutorials regarding sexual harassment, consent, and legislation regarding sexual discrimination in the workplace.  The content of these tutorials resonated strongly with our students this year, leading to the emergence of a student group who are working to advocate change which will empower young people. The tragic murder of Sarah Everard has highlighted why young people in schools need to understand their rights and the role of wider society in making workplaces and public spaces inclusive and safe for all individuals. 
Contact was made with the local MP and Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Home Office, Kevin Foster, who then arranged a virtual meeting between the Minister of Safeguarding - Victoria Atkins, Head of Sixth Form at TGGS - Emma Brown, and student leader Chloe. The meeting  was highly productive, with discussion on how both schools and the wider community can address issues regarding sexual harassment and misogyny. Proposals such as compulsory PSHE sessions at KS5 in all schools and colleges, as well as having visible champions for inclusivity in both schools and workplaces were put forward. Ms Atkins was also able to provide an insight into the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy and the landmark Domestic Abuse Bill that passed through Parliament this week.
It's great to see Government listening to school leaders and students about issues that can impact so significantly on young women. We stand firm in our effors to encourage and support our students as they work to bring about societal change that will make a difference.

TGGS Announces Headteacher Appointment

We are delighted to announce that Ms Sarah Forster has been appointed Headteacher for TGGS, commencing this autumn.

In a written statement, Governors said “Having begun the recruitment process back in September, we were impressed in this third round with the quality of candidates who understand our particular high standards and unique challenges, and we have worked very hard to do the right thing for the staff, our pupils and our school. We truly believe that we have found the right person to take us forward in our next chapter”

Ms Forster has been a senior leader in London for the last 12 years. Her career to date has taken her to seven schools within the South East ranging from comprehensive, single sex and selective. Sarah is a values driven leader with a passion for developing individuals and empowering young people to maximise their potential. Her academic research has focused on gender equality within this digital age and the role of school leaders in helping girls smash through the glass ceiling.

When out of school, Sarah can be found with her son and husband enjoying long walks with their Cocker Spaniel.

We are all really looking forward to welcoming her to the TGGS family in September!

TGGS Nominated for TWO National Schools Awards 2020

Torquay Girls' Grammar School has been shortlisted for TWO TES Schools Awards 2020


According to TES (the Times Educational Supplement), the shortlist recognises "the most outstanding individuals and institutions that the education sector has to offer".


TGGS has been nominated for

Wellbeing and Mental Health award

Environment Champion of the Year award


TES editor Ann Mroz said: “It is always a highlight of the education calendar to see the best ideas and people lauded at the Tes Schools Awards. But this year, it felt more important than ever to run an event that showcased and celebrated the hard work that teachers and school staff do for children and their local community every single day. This has been one of the most difficult years in education, but – as ever – teachers continue to rise to the challenge.

"We had a record number of entries this year and the standard was very high, so all those shortlisted should be very proud: it's an extraordinary achievement to be on this shortlist."

This year, award winners will be announced at a virtual ceremony on Friday 13 November 2020.

To see the full list of awards and nominations visit



We'd really love to meet 01803 653756 to arrange a tour or email us:


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