30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 613215

Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
E:   T: 01803 613215
Y7-11 Absence Line: 01803 653 750

Sixth Form Pupil Registration Form

Privacy notice - All requested data in Section 1 is being collected to enable us to fulfil our function as a school.  By filling in this form you are granting permission for the personal data that you supply to be shared with approved Data Processors and other Admission Authorities.  It is collected, processed and stored inline with our data policies which are reviewed annually to ensure that they adhere to the current Data Protection regulations (CLICK HERE to go to our school policies page where you can review these documents). To ensure the accuracy of the data that we hold we would request that the school is notified immediately of any changes by e-mailing
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Please complete all sections of this form for your child if you are the parent, guardian or person having parental responsibility of the pupil named below, having been offered a place for your child.

DO NOT use your browsers "Back" or other navigation buttons to navigate this form. You may lose your changes! Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page instead if you need to go back to previous pages. There is no option to save this form as draft, please do not start unless you have set aside enough time to complete it. We estimate it will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete unless you have a large amount of extra information to share with us. You will need a scanned copy of the pupil's birth certificate and any legal orders which relate to them.

Enter your personal invitation code (this will have been sent to you by email). Please do not attempt to submit this form without your unique code. To ensure all characters are correctly transcribed, please COPY AND PASTE the code into this field, rather than re-type it.


1. Pupil Details

Please upload a copy of the student's birth certificate.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png bmp pdf.
Address Details
This field can only contain numbers. For flat names (i.e. "21A") or similar, please include in the first line of the address instead.

2. Parent/Guardian Details

Please give details of ALL persons with parental responsibility and anyone you wish to be contacted in an emergency.

Contact Person 1
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg pdf doc.
Contact Person 2
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg pdf doc.
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