30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 653756

Sixth Form Absence: 01803 653 761

30 Shiphay Lane, Torquay TQ2 7DY
T: 01803 653756
Sixth Form Absence Line: 01803 653 761

TGGS Biometric cashless system

What is a biometric cashless system?
At the heart of the biometric cashless system is a software program which recognises each individual customer, holds individual cash balances and records expenditure and cash received. It also records where and when money is spent and on what food.

How are students and staff recognised by the system?
All students and staff will be registered by biometric measurement and photograph. The biometric measurement takes a part image of some of the coordinates of the fingerprint. This information is then converted, encrypted and stored as a unique number. This data cannot be converted back into any image of a fingerprint, nor can it be used by any other source for identification purposes.

What data will be held on the system?
Certain data will be held on the system to enable accurate operation. This will include the student's name, tutor group, photo, account balance, meal entitlement and the biometric number. Other than the biometric number, this data is already held on the school's administrative systems. All the data will be handled under the guidelines of the Data Protection Act. The data will only be utilised for the purposes of the cashless catering system and will be destroyed when the data is no longer relevant (such as when a student leaves the Academy).

How is biometric system utilised to obtain food?
A finger will be placed on a biometric scanner at a till. This will activate an individual's account which will be displayed on screen for the catering operator, including name and current balance. The operator will then enter the selected food and drink into the system, while the amount spent and the new balance will show on the display.

How is money entered into the system?
By using a secure internet site, enabling payment by debit cards. Parent/Carers/ Students can access the online payment system. You will need to have your Parentpay account activated.

Benefits to parents:

  • Easy to use
  • Faster service and shorter queues
  • No need to carry cash to school
  • Free school meals are anonymous
  • Online transaction tracking and top ups via Parentpay


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